Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Back
Game Pak: Back
PCB: Front
PCB: Front
PCB: Back
PCB: Back

All Trademarks are (c) their respective owners.
All scans are "owned" by The Cart Scan Repository, if you want to use them, please ask us.

Nintense; The Corporation.
WT_Riker; Obsidian.

Game: Nintendo 64 Jumper Pak
Game Pak (Front): NUS-A-TA
Game Pak (Back): NUS-008
ROM Chip: None
CIC Chip: None
PCB Label: NUS-RTC-03   6
(c) 1996 Nintendo
Save Chip: None
Other Chips: None
Other Features: 3 Resistors
5 Capacitors
WT_Riker nfo: This reminds me, I saw one of these in a pawn shop for $20... I guess who ever pawned it got a good deal; unless they owned one of those games that apparently crashes with the expansion pak.
Nintense nfo: This is the jumper pak that comes in just about every Nintendo 64. It simply holds the place for future ram expansion paks. This one came from my original N64, which was bought shortly after the system debuted.
Supplied by: Nintense

Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Back
Game Pak: Back
PCB: Front
PCB: Front
PCB: Back
PCB: Back

All Trademarks are (c) their respective owners.
All scans are "owned" by The Cart Scan Repository, if you want to use them, please ask us.

Nintense; The Corporation.
WT_Riker; Obsidian.

Game: Nintendo 64 Jumper Pak
Game Pak (Front): None
Game Pak (Back): NUS-008
ROM Chip: None
CIC Chip: None
PCB Label: NUS-RTC-03   2
(c) 1996 Nintendo
Save Chip: None
Other Chips: None
Other Features: 3 Resistors
5 Capacitors
WT_Riker nfo: Here's the best way to stop someone playing on your n64. Instead of being obvious and hidding the controllers or power cord, remove the jumper pak. This will stop anyone who wants to play on your n64 dead in their tracks... unles they carry a spare jumper pak, or expansion pak with them ;)
Nintense nfo: This pak came with the Jungle Green DK64 Bundle. It's almost exactly the same as the other pak featured above, with just a few minor differences in the pcb labeling. Interesting to point out that even though the DK64 Bundle comes with the 4MB expansion, they still included the jumper pak. I guess they realize that not all games will work with the 4MB pak installed (Silicon Valley anyone?).
Supplied by: Nintense