Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Back
Game Pak: Back
PCB: Front
PCB: Front
PCB: Back
PCB: Back

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Nintense; The Corporation.
WT_Riker; Obsidian.

Game: Diddy Kong Racing
Game Pak (Front): NUS-006 (USA)
Game Pak (Back): NUS-USA/CAN-1
9744 E
CIC Chip: (c) 96-97 Nintendo
9736 E
PCB Label: NUS-01A-02
(c) 1996 Nintendo
Save Chip: BU9850
741 H59
Other Chips: None
Other Features: 4 Resistors
1 Capacitor
WT_Riker nfo: Diddy's the first game to use the CIC-NUS-6103 chip. Standard 4KBIT EEPROM onboard also.
Nintense nfo: Better than Mario Kart? Hard to say. The one-player mode is fantastic and offers a lot of variety, but the multi-player modes are a bit lacking. They're not quite as fun as the battle arenas of Mario Kart. As for the cart itself, nothing special.