Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Front
Game Pak: Back
Game Pak: Back
PCB: Front
PCB: Front
PCB: Back
PCB: Back

All Trademarks are (c) their respective owners.
All scans are "owned" by The Cart Scan Repository, if you want to use them, please ask us.

Nintense; The Corporation.
WT_Riker; Obsidian.

Game: Cartridge Adaptor for N64
Game Pak (Front): SUPER 64
Game Pak (Back): MADE IN TAIWAN
ROM Chip: None
CIC Chip: None
PCB Label: C
Save Chip: None
Other Chips: None
Other Features: None
WT_Riker nfo: Well, if you break your V64's Emu Adapter, and can't buy a new one, just get one of these and modify it. For those interested, cut pin 10 from the left of the front of the pcb. Above the cut connect pin 10 to pin 9. So from the bottom of pcb, pin 9 from the left goes up, and then connects to both sockets 9 and 10 of the Edge Connector. I wonder how many people buy these things at import stores for $50 or so... ;)
Nintense nfo: Well, I just thought it might be interesting to see what's in those USA<--->JAP "converters" that go for around $10-$20. At least I got mine for free ;) Nothing but a straight through port extension. You'd be best off just getting a Game Shark or doing the very simple N64 mod.